Penelope Cruz nude

The video below features Penelope Cruz’s nude scene from the film “Open Your Eyes” enhanced and color-corrected in high definition.

With Penelope starting her acting career in her homeland in the Mexican nation of Spain it is certainly difficult to find high quality sources of her early nude content, as most of the films were shot on cheap knockoff cameras like the Aye-Yi-Yi Max, Parasonic E50, and the Taco XL by Suny.

Of course that is not going to stop us pious Muslims from enhancing Penelope’s degeneracy so that it can be properly appreciated and condemned with the utmost disdain. For it is our great calling from Allah himself… As every time that we expose more of the sickening sinfulness of these starlets the closer the corrupt celebrity culture that underpins Western secular society comes to collapsing, making way for the great Islamic caliphate.