Kristen Bell nude sex

The video below appears to feature a recently uncovered deleted nude sex scene starring Kristen Bell from the 2009 film “Couples Retreat”.

Why this sex scene was deleted from the final cut of the film remains a mystery, as seeing Kristen Bell’s character doing ass-to-mouth with her tantric yoga instructor certainly adds some much need depth to her character’s development.

Kristen Bell bikini

Of course when it comes to be a filthy whore who constantly cuckolds her partner, Kristen Bell has a lot of practice… As in real life she no doubt screws anything and everything right in front of her pathetically emasculated husband Dax Shephard… In fact, Kristen famously announced that she would not even marry Dax until gay marriage was completely legalized in the US… And even after that happened she probably made Dax felch a homoqueer’s spunk out of her anus hole before she would say “I do”… Although admittedly it almost certainly didn’t take much convincing on her part to get him to do that.