"Percy Jackson & The Olympians" actress Alexandra Daddario took a daring leap in her career with the latest HBO's TV show "True Detective." Apparently the 27 year old actress has become the talk of the town as she went completely nude in a scene from the show in which she is doing her most mature role to date alongside stars like Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson. (Spoilers)
Alexandra Daddario Strips Down in True Detective Season 1 Episode 2 Seeing Things
HBO's "True Detective" debuted on Jan. 12, 2014 unveiling the dark murder mystery. The show was widely appreciated for its premiere segment, True Detective Season 1 Episode 1 The Long Bright Dark. It became the highest rated show on HBO ever since Boardwalk Empire debuted.
On Jan. 19, 2014, HBO aired True Detective Season 1 Episode 2 Seeing Things in which actress Alexandra Daddario shocked the viewers when she went completely nude in a scene with actor Woody Harrelson.
Alexandra Daddario is playing the role of Lisa Tragnetti the young lover of Detective Martin Hart played by Woody Harrelson. In True Detective Season 1 Episode 2 Seeing Things, it is shown that Detective Rustin Cohle discovers that his accomplice Det. Hart is cheating on his wife with Lisa Tragnetti.
While speaking to MTV News about her nude scene in the second episode of the new show "True Detective," she describes her role as a "huge," "good" and "interesting challenge."
"I really wanted to be part of the show, and I understood why the nudity and all of that was required of the character.... The character is really different from anything that I've done before. The nudity was just part of that," Alexandra Daddario (http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1720728/alexandra-daddario-true-detective-nude-scenes.jhtml) explains to MTV.
She also revealed how Woody Harrelson made a challenging task of going completely nude in the show, a lot comfortable and less awkward for her. She said that it was his experience that helped.
"I tried not to think about it too much before shooting the more intimate scenes and just sort of did it," Alexandra Daddario added.
Things to Know About Alexandra Daddario's Character in "True Detective"
While dishing out more spoilers about her character's role in "True Detective" and its upcoming episodes, she also revealed that episode "Seeing Things" was only the beginning of her story in Hart's life. As the show proceeds, their relationship will take a turn. Alexandra Daddario describes her "True Detective" character as "bored," "emotionally volatile" and "naive." As per the spoilers she spilled out, her character will cause problems in Detective Martin Hart's life in the upcoming episodes.
"True Detective" will return on Jan. 26, 2014 with its Season 1 Episode 3 titled "The Locked Room." As per the spoilers, Woody Harrelson as Det. Hart and Matthew McConaughey as Det. Cohle will continue being interrogated in present day. While they continue their struggle to put up with each other in present day, back in the past, they are investigating Dora Lange's ritualistic murder.