15 Secrets Behind Leonardo DiCaprio And Blake Lively’s Brief Relationship

 Blake Lively and Leonardo DiCaprio had a brief but memorable affair back in 2011 - and we've uncovered some secrets from their relationship.

Hollywood has never had any shortage of power couples – nor of any power couple breakups! Way back in the day, legendary relationships like Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton filled pages of gossip magazines in the days before the internet. Their hot and heavy affair would have made TMZ every single night if it were happening in today’s times.

Much more recently, the end of the seemingly unstoppable “Brangelina” team of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie came as a shock to many. Even the strongest of bonds seem to come and go, so it may not come as a surprise that for a few months in 2011, what could have been the biggest power couple of all time happened, then fizzled out of memory jut as quickly.

None other than Blake Lively and Leonardo DiCaprio had an whirlwind romance which took onlookers as much by storm as it did the two stars. Back before Lively every heard of that Reynolds guy from Deadpool, it seemed that the future Green Lantern star had a Titaniccrush on DiCaprio. While the feeling seemed very mutual, the whole thing ended rather abruptly.

It all happened so quickly, one can be forgiven for forgetting those long-gone memories - but we haven’t forgotten. The “Bleo” power couple (can we call them that?) did in fact have a very impactful relationship, and we’ve uncovered some secrets that prove it.

Here are 15 Secrets Behind Leonardo DiCaprio And Blake Lively’s Brief Relationship!

The Great Gatsby Audition

Leonardo DiCaprio raising a glass in The Great Gatsby 2013

Whatever drove the passionate love affair which swept both Leonardo DiCaprio and Blake Lively off their feet, it certainly didn’t happen overnight. The two had crossed paths well before they started dating, and had even spent at least one evening at dinner together a year before the fact. It happened soon after Blake Lively auditioned for the DiCaprio-vehicle version of The Great Gatsby.

When they were spotted eating together, speculation had it that Lively had landed the role of Daisy.

History has shown that Carey Mulligan got that part, so why were they eating dinner that night? Could that have been the first time a mutual attraction sparked between the two? If that’s the case, then what we’re looking at is a slower burn towards their head-over-heels time together than may at first seemed to be the case. After all, that dinner happened in 2010, and the two weren’t officially an item until 2011.

Did Leo spend months dreaming about Blake? Did Blake reflect on that wonderful dinner until the following year when they finally decided to give it a shot? It turned out to be none other than F. Scott Fitzgerald who brought these two together. Not bad for an author who passed 70 years before the fact!

Before Bleo

Dan and Serena kissing on Gossip Girl

When trying to understand just how the steamy affair between Blake Lively and Leonardo DiCaprio came and went in such a flash, clues may be found in the relationships both were in before they fell in love. In the case of Dicaprio, his most public dating preceding the Lively mini-era was with Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue cover girl Bar Rafaeli.

Certain details of this fling reflect aspects of his time with Lively. Outings for the pair included Six Flags and Lakers games – just as amusement parks and pro sports games would set a stage for his time with Lively. It also lasted a lot longer, so maybe, just maybe, Leo’s supposed infatuation with Ms. Lively wasn’t all that.

As for Lively, her relationship with Gossip Girl costar Penn Badgley also had some familiar elements. For one thing, she took her time with him, being friends before dating, and the level of commitment was similar. But there, the similarities may end. As a couple they were steady for three years, while her DiCaprio fling lasted barely over five months. It may be that Lively thought she was in a more long-term situation than turned out to be the case.

Blake Sent Leo Doll Pictures

Blake Lively may have invented Instagram. No, seriously, she really almost might have. In 2011 communicating entirely via digital photograph postings wasn’t really a thing yet. While Instagram launched inOctober of 2010, it didn't become a phenomenon that absolutely everybody had to use until years later. But Gossip Girl Blake Lively was hipper than us all.

Gossip Girl showrunner Joshua Safran told it, Lively would text DiCaprio photos of a doll to express her innermost feelings: "Blake was dating [DiCaprio] at the time, and she had this thing where she had a doll that she took photos of that she sent to Leo."

What the nature of those communications might have been is not known, and neither party has ever shared the actual photos.

Let’s face it: without the context of image-based social media, random shots of dolls are creepy.

Whether we’re talking Annabelle or The Boy or even something out of a Twilight Zone episode, lifeless, soulless human figures made of wood or plastic are usually evil. And yes, they are almost always possessed by demons or in the case of Chucky, the spirits of criminals. Burn them all with fire! Maybe Blake should have picked something friendlier to image-send, like nachos?

Their First Date May Have Been on Steven Spielberg’s Yacht

Amidst the rumors about how they met, w hat made Blake Lively and Leonardo DiCaprio start dating in the first place? As previously uncovered, Blake wasn't exactly DiCaprio's type, ad Dicaprio wasn’t the kind of guy that commitment-focused Lively would usually focus on.

It may be that context played a role – celebrity context to be exact. One of the earliest indications that the two were an item came from an image of the twosome partying on director Steven Spielberg’s yacht. A shot of them embracing at a luxurious bash on the floating palace that had powerhouses like Robert DeNiro hanging out was the first clue the stars had gotten together.

This beggars a bit of speculation: were these two attracted to each other out of sheer mutual star power? It’s an energetic feeling to find oneself as a member of cinema elite. Both were available, so the timing may have come into play. Getting caught up in the glamor of the moment, it just might have made sense at the time. In any case, seeing as how short-lived the relationship was, one can say that they didn’t have the same staying power as so many of their films had at the box office.

Their Venice Escape

If you want to spend a romantic getaway among the splendor of a storybook city preserved in time, there are few places more up to the task than Venice, Italy. The gorgeous city on the water is famous for its charming canals, stunning architecture, and is basically an open-air art museum in its own right. Thus, it totally makes sense that the smitten Leonardo DiCaprio would escape with his new lady Blake Lively to this lovers’ hotspot. However, images taken during this outing may hint at early trouble in this doomed affair.

Neither half of the couple look terribly happy while soaring around via water taxi in the ancient city. 

Lively looks stressed and DiCaprio looks distracted and disengaged. The smiles captured at Disneyland and on Spielberg’s yacht are feeling like fleeting memories. If faces do not lie, theirs are saying that there were bumping waters ahead for the relationship.

Who was unhappy with whom? Rumors claim that it was DiCaprio who ended the relationship, but nothing has ever been confirmed either way. Regardless, if you can’t have fun in place as awesome and romantic as Venice, then maybe your budding romance isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be!

The Big Disneyland Date

Where better to have a date with your one true love than The Happiest Place on Earth? Yes, it may seem that jet-setting superstars should restrict themselves to remote Italian villas, exclusive tropical islands or members-only private ski runs for their public outings, but it turns out that DiCaprio and Lively had enough childhood spirit left within them to go out on the town together in Disneyland.

What united them in their love for such stomping grounds? Maybe DiCaprio have some Pirates of the Caribbean envy and perhaps Lively is a Beauty and the Beast kind of hopeless romantic. Whatever the case, this trip to the House of Mouse made headlines, but also may give insight into an element of their bond.

Was there a wee bit of less-than-mature puppy love going on? Did they both feel so magical themselves, they needed to be with their fellow pixies and wizards? Let’s face it, this is where you might expect couples who’ve been together for years to hang out rather than during the courtship period – which is as far as DiCaprio and Lively ever got.

If there is a case to be made that the Disneyland trip did indeed reflect the impulsive nature of their union, it may also be a clue as to why it burned out so quickly.

They Bonded over Koalas in Australia

Here's another look at the cutesy side of Leonardo DiCaprio and Blake Lively: koala bears. Yep, these cute furry marsupials seemed to have briefly been the apple of both stars' eyes. Continuing their ontinent-hopping during their exceedingly short-lived relationship, the two A-listers pranced around Down Under on an Australian excursion.

Now, this is an outing that makes a lot more sense for the private jet crowd. What could be a more impressive date than hanging out with some eucalyptus-chewing teddy bears come to life? No need to go to a common zoo in San Diego when you can do something as glamorous traverse to the southern hemisphere to see some koalas.

These two clearly didn’t always choose the traditional path of celebrity romance.  

As with the Disneyland outing, it’s interesting to see what framed their time frolicking together. Where other couples may be spotted at VIP nightclubs, red carpets and major charity events, here again we see these two cute kids doing something positively not adult. To be honest, it is kind of refreshing. Seeing two young-at-heart living legends being able to be that childlike is heartwarming. But of course, scenes as beautiful and carefree as this rarely last too long in Hollywood.

Eco-Biking Around NYC

Part of being truly young at heart is feeling strongly about idealism in the face of a world which often seems to be falling apart at the seams. A lot of adults outgrow the hope of a better tomorrow just so they can get through the grind of their daily lives. For a growing number of people on the planet, ecological awareness is becoming more accepted and put into practice. It’s great whenever super famous people like Blake Lively and Leonardo DiCaprio put such ideals into practice as an example to that burgeoning population of environmentally conscious folks.

On a date in New York City, the erstwhile power couple were spotted doing the eco-bike thing around The Big Apple. Again – not exactly a honeymoon in Paris moment for the celebrity twosome, but it’s the down-to-earth nature of this activity is definitely charming.

Finding ways to be carefree in public has to be liberating for those who live constantly under the ruthless eyes of public scrutiny. Still, whatever they did share came and went as fast as most grade school puppy love usually does, so it may just be that there may be a negative side to date like a teenager past the age of 20.

Leo Loved Blake's Cooking

There’s a very old saying which, in the 21st century, seems completely outdated: the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. It’s that throwback idea to women being the chief cooks in the house while the men are the breadwinners. Well, there’s no denying that Blake Lively is a major breadwinner in her own right, commanding multi-million dollar paydays for her movie appearances. As it turns out, she’s also one hell of a bread baker! Yes,

Lively simply loves to cook and by all accounts, her concoctions are very well received, indeed.

According to DiCaprio’s friends, her ability as a home chef did indeed win over a great deal of his heart. Hey, we all love a good meal, but it would be ironic if one of the world’s most prolific daters ended up really looking for a housewife. Of course, that’s not how things have turned out.

DiCaprio is still traipsing around the single guy scene in his elite circles. But a memo to the ladies: if you really want a shot at landing DiCpario, you might want to start studying a cookbook. Honestly, though, maybe it’s not worth the effort. He did leave Lively, after all!

There's No "One" For Leo

Whatever did go wrong with Blake Lively and Leo DiCaprio, it seemed to take many by surprise. Not only was much of their spirited romance caught on film, but it seems friends and insiders were just blown away at how much DiCario was swept off his feet by the captivating Lively.

According to US Weekly's sources, people close to DiCaprio were so stunned by his blooming adoration for the young star, they were sure he had found “The One.” And by that we don’t mean Neo in The Matrix, we mean more like Jack and Rose in Titanic. So when their relationship ended, it reportedly threw folks within his circle for a loop.

Never before, the sources asserted, had he seemed so smitten. Many were convinced he would permanently turn in his bachelor card after having finally met the love of his life. Alas, it was not to be.

Could it be that all of this positive energy, like the Disneyland and Koala thing, was really just another sign of a less-than-mature relationship? Obviously, Blake Lively has since grown up and settled down. Leonardo DiCaprio? Not so much.

Leo’s Victoria’s Secret Habit

It’s not so terribly strange to say that most people on the planet have a “type” when it comes to the folks they’re attracted to. Some people, for example, might prefer a certain hair color or style on their partners. Many folks could look at features such as height, shoulders, legs and so forth. Dreamy accents sometimes seal the deal for a prospective lover.

When it comes to Leonardo DiCaprio’s tastes, two words explain it all: Victoria’s Secret.

The Hollywood hunk has been connected to more models for the famous brand than any other sub-group of ladies. Whatever it is about how VS chooses its representatives, it would seem that DiCaprio is tuned in to that vibe.

Dating Blake Lively was one of the few deviations from that trend that the film actor tried to make work, but as soon as that relationship was over, he went straight back to his default lady type. Was that the reason DiCaprio ended his passionate if brief time with Lively? Is it possible that he just had to get back on that Victoria’s Secret program he seems almost addicted to? If so, that’s a secret he’s keeping, but observers certainly don’t need to inspect hidden undergarments to make this reasonable conclusion.

Ryan Reynolds’ Interesting Timing

It’s already been mentioned that Blake Lively, in addition to being a stellar actress, is also an accomplished cook. DiCaprio’s love for the young lady’s cuisine was seemingly a great part of the allure he felt. What’s weird is that right around the same time that those two were dating, Ryan Reynolds was also going public with his love for Lively's abilities in the kitchen. As in, he went out of his way in interviews to not only talk about how his Green Lantern costar was an awesome person, but boy oh boy did he love her baked goods! Kind of a weird thing to mention when doing publicity junkets, right?

The fact is that not so long after he was making these declarations, Blake and Ryan became an item which went on to become a true Hollywood power couple, married and with kids.

When did they start dating? Within months after Leo dumped Blake. It’s almost as if Reynolds had a sneaky plan to swoop in and steal DiCaprio's girl – not terribly unlike Deadpool. This is, of course, pure speculation. But we  must admit, the timing is just a little too perfect! Call him the Merc of Love!

Blake Was Actually Still in School When They Dated

Okay, so let’s get this out of the way up front. Yes, there is a fairly decent age gap between Leonardo DiCaprio and Blake Lively. Thirteen years, as a matter of fact.

Back in 2011 when the two were a hot item for a hot minute, DiCaprio was 36 and Lively was 23.

Now, no one here would accuse Mr. DiCaprio of “robbing the cradle” – Lively was obviously am adult – but the fact of the matter is that she was actually still in school at the time. Meanwhile, Leo was over the hump and closer to his 40th birthday than his 30th.

Lively was studying abroad at the time in France, and part of the logistical challenges for these two very busy people was her juggling class time along with a huge international celebrity romance. Were there moments which played out a little awkwardly? “Hi, my name is Leo and I’m here to pick up Blake if she’s done with her math homework.” It probably wasn’t that bad, but it’s not outside the bounds of probability that being in such utterly different life stages may have well been one of the chinks in the armor of their love.

Ryan Reynolds' Titanic shade

When putting the many secrets of the Leonardo DiCaprio and Blake Lively whirlwind romance under the microscope, it may be worth remembering, the effects of those fleeting months long ago may well go beyond the life of the brief fling. Case in point, this bizarre performance from Blake’s husband Ryan Reynolds.

Promoting the 2018 film Deadpool 2, Mr. Blake Lively chose a very odd gag appearance to raise awareness of the movie. In character as Marvel’s Merc with a Mouth, Reynolds “bum rushed” a Céline Dion performance. Her recording of “Ashes” is a featured song in the superhero sequel. The video for it features the dignified Canadian chanteuse being disrupted by the costumed mutant assassin who at one point interjects “This is not Titanic!”

He dances around her in heels, and pretty much sucks all the dignity out of the room. It’s a funny gag, but let’s never forget: you can’t think of Titanic without thinking about Leonardo DiCaprio! No way! Leo is the film. In that context, the whole performance can be seen as Reynolds throwing major shade against his wife’s former flame. It’s almost like “Sorry, sucker, but I sailed off with Rose while you sank in the ocean!”

Life After Blake

The Blake Lively/Leonardo DiCaprio affair seemed to be over almost as soon as it began. What promised to be the hugest celebrity coupling since Beyoncé and Jay-Z instead wilted on the vine. But should we be surprised? Yes, Blake Lively takes romance very seriously, never dated much, and landed her hubby Ryan Reynolds at a young age, more focused on being a domestic partner than a serial dater. But DicCaprio seems to be a perpetual bachelor and his relationships since Lively sort of prove it.

First, he had a very brief fling with model Madalina Ghenea. After that, he went back to his Victoria’s Secret fixation, dating the brand’s model Erin Heatherton. That was followed by yet another VS model, Toni Garrn. More models followed, mostly much younger than him. He even had a brief moment with singer Rihanna.

On the post-Lively era, DiCaprio has pretty much stayed the course leaping from lovely lady to lovely lady with no sign of slowing down and settling a homestead with some exclusive significant other. Lively, on the other hand is happy as wife and mom, balancing a healthy home with a still stellar career. In the end, these two powerhouses probably really just weren’t meant for each other!